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The Nonprofit MBA Podcast with Stephen Halasnik

Feb 25, 2024

Over the years, the concept of building and keeping talents has always been an important discourse in the business world and nonprofit sector alike. This is because a lot of organizations suffer from excessive employee turnover rates. You must be intentional as a nonprofit leader, by strategically following the necessary steps to build and keep your talents. By defining your mission and values, offering competitive compensation and benefits, providing opportunities for growth and development, fostering a positive work environment, recognizing and rewarding performance, and communicating effectively, you can attract, develop, and retain top talent for your organization. Investing in your team is not only beneficial for your organization but also the communities and causes you serve. In today’s podcast, Mike Gellman from High Five Career Coaching and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions (, discuss how to “build and keep your talent for nonprofits.”