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The Nonprofit MBA Podcast with Stephen Halasnik

Dec 31, 2020

With major influence, a leader should show a positive attitude to the employees in order to create a healthy work environment, motivate, and welcome innovational ideas. People naturally respond better when they are treated with respect and appreciation rather than with constant criticism.

In today's podcast, Stephen...

Dec 31, 2020

In today's podcast, Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions and Laurie Herrick discuss key factors that impact nonprofit culture of fundraising and building a culture of philanthropy. Major points discussed include taking a deeper look within your organization, reevaluating your staff and values, and being able to...

Dec 24, 2020

In any nonprofit organization, it is important to stay focused and working toward a specific goal. You must analyze your organization's situation to understand what objectives and goals require the most amount of attention. Once your goals are set in place, execution comes into play.

In today's Podcast, Stephen Halasnik...

Dec 3, 2020

Understanding what foundations look at when approving grants before you apply can give you an inside advantage. Each organization has its own decision-making models, so tailor your application and proposal to fit the organization's requirements effectively. In today's podcast, Sarah Miller will offer insight as to what...